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Welcome to my corner of the interner, journey with me through the realms of tech, security, and programming innovation.

Building a Simple Network Packet Sniffer With Python

If you’re interested in understanding how data flows through your network or need a tool for network diagnostics, creating a packet sniffer can be an exciting project. In this post, I’ll guide you through a Python-based packet sniffer that captures, decodes, and analyzes network packets. This project is perfect for anyone wanting to learn more about networking and Python’s ability to interact with low-level protocols. Project Overview The goal of this packet sniffer is to capture and analyze packets at the Ethernet frame level....

September 21, 2024 · 4 min · Kaliban

Back Online

Hello everyone, After taking a break from the blog, I’m back and ready to dive into new content. During the time away, I focused on expanding my skillset—learning Go (Golang) and working on various projects while also navigating the job market. Now that I’m back, I plan to resume regular posts, while also sharing insights from the projects I’ve been working on. You can expect: Continued coverage of cybersecurity like over the wire and stuff like that Project highlights and technical breakdowns Thanks for your patience....

September 20, 2024 · 1 min · Kaliban

Over The Wire - Bandit 7 -> 8

Task The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt next to the word millionth. Login SSH: bandit7@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220 Password: morbNTDkSW6jIlUc0ymOdMaLnOlFVAaj Theory To solve this level and move on we just need to use one command, the grep command scan search Solution grep “millionth” data.txt millionth dfwvzFQi4mU0wfNbFOe9RoWskMLg7eEc

August 7, 2024 · 1 min · Kaliban

Over The Wire - Bandit 6 -> 7

Task The password for the next level is stored somewhere on the server and has all of the following properties: owned by user bandit7 owned by group bandit6 33 bytes in size Login SSH: bandit6@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220 Password: HWasnPhtq9AVKe0dmk45nxy20cvUa6EG Theory The process to solve this task is pretty similar to the previous level, we just need the find command with some different attribute, -user [username] searches for files owned by a specific user and -group [groupname] searches for files owned by a specific group....

August 7, 2024 · 2 min · Kaliban

Over The Wire - Bandit 5 -> 6

Task Find the only file that respect these requirements and read its content. The requirements are: human-readable 1033 bytes in size not executable Login SSH: bandit5@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220 Password: 4oQYVPkxZOOEOO5pTW81FB8j8lxXGUQw Theory To solve this task, we’ll use a combination of basic Linux commands to search for and identify the file with the specified properties. Let’s break down the key commands we’ll be using: find Command The find command in Linux is a powerful tool that allows users to search for files and directories based on various criteria....

August 7, 2024 · 3 min · Kaliban