
Find the file readme stored in the filesystem.


SSH: bandit0@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220

Password: bandit0


After loggin in the remote host you can use a set of commands to understand where are you and what files are in your directory:

  • pwd this command show the name of the working directory, the directory you’re in right now.
  • ls list the files in the current folder, you can add the attribute -a to show hidden files, using -l instead will show additional information on the files.
  • cat read the content of a file and print them to standard output.


  1. We log in with SSH using the information above.

  2. Make sure the readme file is in the directory.

bandit0@bandit:~$ ls 
  1. We can read the content of the file.
bandit0@bandit:~$ cat readme

Now we can move on to the next challenge.