
Find and read the content of the hidden file in the inhere directory.


SSH: bandit3@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220

Password: MNk8KNH3Usiio41PRUEoDFPqfxLPlSmx


To find an hidden file in a linux filesystem is really easy, we can use the ls command to list every file in the directory adding to it the -a attribute to list hidden files too. They are commonly used for storing user preferences or preserving the state of a utility and are frequently created implicitly by using various utilities.


  1. SSH in to the remote host with the above credentials.
~$: ssh bandit3@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220
  1. Go inside the inhere directory and list all files to read the content of the hidden one.
bandit3@bandit~$: cd inhere
bandit3@bandit~$: ls -a 
. .. ...Hiding-From-You

bandit3@bandit~$: cat ...Hiding-From-You
  1. Use this password to log to the next level.